Aiki Jo Suburi

  • Tsuki (Thrust Section)
    1. Choku tsuki (Straight Thrust) – Thrust to the chest.
    2. Kaeshi tsuki (Rotating Thrust) – Rotate the jo and thrust.
    3. Ushiro tsuki (Rear Thrust) – After placing the jo under the left elbow, thrust to the rear.
    4. Tsuki gedan gaeshi (Thrust and Low-Level Rotation) – Thrust straight in, draw the jo back and strike the leg.
    5. Tsuki jodan gaeshi uchi (Thrust and High-Level Rotation) – From a straight thrust, rotate the jo over your head and strike to the side of the head.
  • Uchi komi (Strike Section)
    1. Shomen uchi komi (Straight Strike to the Head) – Do as in the 2nd Ken Suburi.
    2. Renzoku uchi komi (Continuous Strike) – Do as in the 5th Ken Suburi.
    3. Menuchi gedan gaeshi (Straight Head Strike, and Low-Level Rotation) – After striking the head, draw the jo back and strike the leg.
    4. Menuchi ushiro tsuki (Straight Head Strike, and Rear Thrust) – After striking the head, thrust to the rear.
    5. Gyaku yokomen ushiro tsuki (Opposite Side of the Head Strike, and Rear Thrust) – Do opposite side of head strike, ending up in left-side stance. After placing the jo under the right elbow, thrust to the rear.
  • Katate (One-hand Section)
    1. Katate gedan gaeshi (One-hand Low Level Rotation) – Draw the jo back with one hand. Strike up from below in a diagonal manner.
    2. Katate toma uchi (Far Distance Strike) – Open to the side, take a big step forward, and from above the shoulders strike to the side of the head with one hand.
    3. Katate hachinoji gaeshi (One-hand, Figure Eight Rotation) – With one hand, rotate in the figure eight movement, ending up in the Hasso stance.
  • Hasso gaeshi (Rotation Section)
    1. Hasso gaeshi uchi (Rotation Strike) – Holding the jo as in the ken stance, shift your hand position as you draw the right leg back. From the hasso position, do a straight strike to the head.
    2. Hasso gaeshi tsuki (Rotation Thrust) – Same as above. From the hasso position, thrust and return to the hasso position.
    3. Hasso gaeshi ushiro tsuki (Rotation Rear Thrust) – Same as above. From the hasso position, thrust to the rear.
    4. Hasso gaeshi ushiro uchi (Rotation Rear Strike) – Same as above. From the hasso position, strike to the rear.
    5. Hasso gaeshi ushiro barai (Rotation and Rear Sweep) – Same as above. Step way back with your right foot and sweep to the rear.
  • Nagare gaeshi (Flowing Section)
    1. Hidari nagare gaeshi uchi (Left Flowing Strike) – Starting in the ken stance, draw the right foot back, strike the side of the head from the top of your head. Let go with the left hand, passing the jo to the left, again grabbing with the left hand, and strike to the rear.
    2. Migi nagare gaeshi tsuki (Right Flowing thrust) – From the right ken stance, the left foot advances forward and you do an opposite side strike to the head. Shifting the position of the right hand, draw the right foot back and turn the jo to the right and thrust to the rear.