Aiki Ken Awase Method

  • Right Side Awase
    • Attacker: Advance the right foot forward and do a straight strike to the head.
    • Defender: Step to the right and do a straight strike to the head.
  • Left Side Awase
    • Attacker: The same as above.
    • Defender: Step to the left and do a straight strike to the head in left hamni.
  • 5th Awase
    • Attacker: Strike as in 5th suburi.
    • Defender: Alternating left and right, parry the sword directing it at your partner’s chest.
  • 7th Awase
    • Both start in left hamni stance.
    • Attacker: Strike as in 7th suburi.
    • Defender: Defend as in the 5th awase. For the thrust, parry and then knock the sword out of line.