2024 International Budō Federation Seminar
Sponsored by International Federation of Martial Arts Association Japan
Date: June 30th (Sunday) 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Venue: Yurihonjo City General Gymnasium 2F Judo Hall
62 Nishigoe, Iwatanicho, Yurihonjo City
Akita, Japan
tel. 0184-62-0500
Seminar participation fee: ¥3000
9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Instructor Takahashi Shihan
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Instructor Mark Larson Rokudan Shihan (USA)
Party at Shoji Shoten
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Fees: ¥4000 alcohol included
¥2000 no alcohol
One night stay at ryokan = ¥3500
Onsen only = ¥400